PALA FRUITS: Machinery of Truth

presents Ex Machina | July 4 - 10, BERLIN (Germany)

Ex Machina is a literary term meaning "out of the machine" that describes the sudden resolution to a problem through direct intervention (e.g. god from machine). In this piece, Natasha Marin, embodies Miko Kuro, the spirit of the Mad Woman in the Attic. During this interactive, ritual that crosses time, and territory, Miko will share a cup of tea-sound with you. This Digital Haunting requires willing IRL participants for 12-minute sets from 2 - 3 pm (Berlin). Meet Miko, the Ghost in the Machinery of Truth. 

Your mind, body & soul.

Familiarize yourself with our studio and course offering by signing up for a complimentary drop-in class now. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus sollicitudin condimentum egestas.